Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Science Year 4 --- Rate Of Breathing

Subject             : Science
Time                : 10 : 00 – 11 : 00 (60 min)
Topic                : Living Things Have Basic Needs
Sub-topic          :  1.9 Rate Of Breathing
Learning Outcomes : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
a)      Explain human breathe.
b)      Conclude that not all individual have the same rate of breathing.
Previous knowledge : Pupils have learnt about,
a)      Humans breathe.
b)      Human need air to stay alive.
Thinking skills : Generating ideas, making conclusions
Moral values : Being thankful to God

Teaching Strategies :
1        Teacher plays the introduction.
2        Teacher prompt pupils to think if they know which direction their chests move when they inhale and exhale air.
3        Teacher plays the content component.
4        Ask pupils to compare how many times they breathe in a minute as compared to their friend.

5        Teacher plays the content component.


6      Teacher plays the content component. Ask pupils work in group then create a table and write down the number of times they breathe in a minute.
      7    Teacher conclude the lesson and reinforcing that not everybody has the same rate of breathing.

Science Year 4 --- We Breathe

Subject             : Science
Time                : 10 : 00 – 11: 00 (60 min)
Topic                : Living Things Have Basic Needs
Sub-topic          : 1.8 We Breathe
Learning Outcomes : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
a)      Explain human breathe.
b)      Differentiate the air that we inhale and the air that we exhale.
Previous knowledge : Pupils have learnt about,
a)      Humans breathe.
b)      Human need air to stay alive.
Thinking skills : Generating ideas, making conclusions
Moral values : Being thankful to God

Teaching Strategies :
1        Teacher plays the introduction.

2        Ask pupils the meaning of  inhale and exhale.
3        Teacher plays the content component.

4        Ask pupils to differentiate the air we inhale and the air we exhale.

5    Teacher play the summary component.

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Science Year 4 -- Humans Reproduce

Subject             : Science
Time                : 10 : 00 – 11 : 00 (60 min)
Topic                : Living Things Have Basic Needs
Sub-topic          :  1.12 Humans Reproduce
Learning Outcomes : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
a)      State that  humans reproduce.
b)      Predict what will happen if humans do not reproduce.
Previous knowledge : Pupils have learnt about,
a)      Humans reproduce.
Thinking skills : Making predict, making hypothesis
Moral values : Being appreciate , being carrying

Teaching Strategies :
1        Teacher plays the introduction component and ask pupils if they know where they come from.

2        Teacher plays the content component .

3        Asks to predict what will happen if humans do not reproduce.

4        Teacher plays the content component and guide pupils to answer the questions.

    5      Teacher concludes the lesson by going through the summary component.

    6    Teacher asks pupil to make a family tree.

Science Year 4 -- Humans Respond To Stimuli

Topic                : Living Things Have Basic Needs
Sub-topic          :  1.11 Humans Respond To Stimuli
Learning Outcomes : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
a)      State the humans respond to stimuli.
b)      Give reason why humans respond to stimuli.
Previous knowledge : Pupils have learnt about,
a)      Humans have five senses.
Thinking skills : Generating ideas, making hypothesis
Moral values : Being appreciate , being honest

Teaching Strategies :
1        Teacher plays the introduction.

2        Teacher plays the content component and guide pupils to understand that humans respond to stimuli from our surroundings with our sense organs..

3        Allow pupils to watch the video. Teacher asks the questions.

4        Teacher plays the content component and guide pupils to answer the questions.


5        Teacher plays the content component and explain the answers.

6        Teacher asks pupils discuss in ground  how disabled people become aware of stimuli around them.

      7    Teacher plays this component to conclude the lesson and saying that  humans respond to stimuli.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Science Year 4 --- What Plants Need ( 3 )

Subject             : Science

Time                : 10 : 00 – 11: 00 (60 min)

Topic                : Living Things Have Basic Needs

Sub-topic          : 1.6 What Plants Need 3

Learning Outcomes : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
a) Identify the basic need of plants.
b) Give reasons why plants need air.

Previous knowledge : Pupils have learnt about,
a) Plants need sunlight to stay healthy.
b) Plants need water to grow well.

Thinking skills : Generating ideas, making conclusions

Moral values : Being thankful to God, Being responsible about the safety of the environment

Teaching Strategies :
1 Teacher plays the introduction.

2 Encourage pupils to predict what will happen to plants if not get enough air.

3 Teacher plays the experiment carry out by the pupils.

4 Teacher guides  pupils to answers the questions in this component.
a. What to keep the same.
b. What to change.
c. What to observe.

5   Teacher plays the answers for the above questions.

6  Teacher plays the experiment carry out by Hui Li.

7      Teacher play the summary component. Emphasize that plant will wilt if they do not get water.

Science Year 4 --- What Plants Need ( 2 )

Subject             : Science

Time                : 10 : 00 – 11: 00 (60 min)

Topic                : Living Things Have Basic Needs

Sub-topic          : 1.5 What Plants Need ( 2 )

Learning Outcomes : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
a) Identify the basic need of plants.
b) Give reasons why plants need water.

Previous knowledge : Pupils have learnt about,
a) Plants need sunlight to stay healthy.
b) Plants need water to grow well.

Thinking skills : Generating ideas, making conclusions

Moral values : Being thankful to God, Being responsible about the safety of the environment

Teaching Strategies :
1 Teacher plays the introduction.


2 Encourage pupils to predict what will happen to plants if not get enough water.

3 Teacher plays the experiment carry out by the pupils.


4 Teacher guides  pupils to answers the questions in this component.
a. What to keep the same.
b. What to change.
c. What to observe.

5     Teacher plays the answers for the above questions.

6  Teacher plays the experiment carry out by Shafiq.

7      Teacher play the summary component. Emphasize that plant will wilt if they do not get water.


Science Year 4 --- What Plants Need ( 1 )

Subject             : Science

Time                : 10 : 00 – 11 : 00 (60 min)

Topic                : Living Things Have Basic Needs

Sub-topic          : 1.4 What Plants Need 1

Learning Outcomes : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
a) Identify the basic need of plants.
b) Give reasons why plants need sunlight.

Previous knowledge : Pupils have learnt about,
a) Plants need sunlight to get healthy.
b) Plants need water and air to stay alive.

Thinking skills : Generating ideas, making conclusions

Moral values : Being thankful to God, Being responsible about the safety of the environment

Teaching Strategies :
1 Teacher plays the introduction.

2 Encourage pupils to predict what will happen to plants if not get sunlight.
3 Teacher plays the experiment carry out by Shafie.
4 Teacher guides  pupils to answers the questions in this component.
4.1 What to keep the same.
4.2 What to change.
4.3 What to observe.

5 Teacher plays the experiment carry out by Shafie.

6 Teacher play the summary component. Emphasize that plant will wilt if they do not get sunlight.

Science Year 4 --- Animals And Their Shelters

Subject             : Science

Time                : 10 : 00 – 11 : 00 (60 min)

Topic                : Living Things Have Basic Needs

Sub-topic          : 1.3 Animals And Their Shelters

Learning Outcomes : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
a) Describe types of shelters for animals.
b) Give reasons why animals need shelters.

Previous knowledge : Pupils have learnt about,
a) Animals live in their shelters.

Thinking skills : Observation, classifying

Moral values : Being honest, Being responsible

 Teaching Strategies:
1. Teacher plays the introduction component.

2. Teacher plays the shelters those animals live in.
     2.1 Animals those live in nest.



      2.2 Animals those live on the tree.


             2.3 Shelters for insects.


              2.4Animals those live in the caves.


3. Teacher plays the summary component.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Science Year 4 -- What Do Animals Need

Subject             : Science
Time                : 10 : 00 – 11 : 00 (60 min)
Topic                : Living Things Have Basic Needs
Sub-topic          : 1.3 What Do Animals Need
Learning Outcomes : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
a)      Identify the basic needs of animals.
b)      Give reasons why animals need food, water, air and shelter.
Previous knowledge : Pupils have learnt about,
a)      Animals need food, water, air and shelter to stay alive..
Thinking skills : Making attributing, relating, making conclusions
Moral values : Being respect, being kind-hearted and caring

Teaching Strategies:
1.      Teacher plays the introduction component.

2.      Teacher ask pupils what they have seen if they visited a zoo.
3.      Teacher plays the basic need of fish and ask questions.

     4.      Teacher plays the bird and cat need breath and ask questions.
5.      Teacher ask pupils what animals eat?

6.       Teacher explain the importance of shelters to animals.
        7.       Teacher plays the summary component.

Science Year 4 -- Humans' Basic Needs

Subject             : Science
Time                : 10 : 00 – 10 : 30 (30 min)
Topic                : Unit 1 : Living Things Have Basic Needs
Sub-topic          : 1.1 Humans’ Basic Needs
Learning Outcomes : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
a)      Identify the basic need of humans
b)      Give reasons why humans need food, water, air and shelter.
Previous knowledge : Pupils have learnt about,
a)      Humans need food to get healthy
b)      Humans need water and air to stay alive.
Thinking skills : Making hypothesis, generating ideas, making conclusions
Moral values : Being cooperate, being respect, being thankful to God

Teaching Strategies :
1        Teacher plays the introduction.
2        Ask pupils to predict what will happen to them if they do not eat for a day, two days or three days.
3        Teacher plays humans basic need. Guide pupils to see that food, water, air and shelter are basic needs of humans.


Sunday, 13 November 2011

Strength and Stability

Subject             : Science
Date                 : 01.11.2011 (Tuesday)
Time                : 10 : 00 – 10 : 30 (30 min)
Standard           : 5S
Enrolment        : 41 pupils
Topic                : Strength and Stability
Sub-topic          : 1.2.2 Identify the factors that affect stability of objects
Learning Outcomes : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
a)      Explain how base area affect stability.
b)      Explain how height affect stability.
Previous knowledge : Pupils are familiar with,
a)      Stable and unstable objects such as standing on high and low chair.
b)      Factor makes structures strong.
Thinking skills : Making hypothesis, generating ideas, making conclusions
Moral values : Being cooperate, being respect
Teaching and learning resources : Plastic bottles, bigger cylinder, thinner cylinder, high stool, low stool, 
                                                       5 cent and 50 cent coins, hemisphere and sphere blocks, worksheet


(5 min)

To predict the stability of upright position and upside down

1  Teacher asks pupil to come in   front to set up the bottle.
2  Teacher asks pupils to predict the stability of upright position and upside down will topple easily.
Predict :
A bottle in an upright position has a bigger base area. It is therefore more stable than a bottle in an upside down position.

Plastic bottles

Thinking Skill : predict

Step 1
(10 min)

Step 2
(5 min)

To observe the relationship between the base area/ height and the stability of objects.

Group discussion to make :
a   Hypothesis
b   Conclusion

1  Teacher asks pupil conduct an experiment in groups to observe the relating to effects of base area on the stability of objects.
2  Teacher provides each group :
Group A  5 bigger cylinder and 5 thinner cylinder.
Group B high stool and low stool.
Group C 5 cent and 50 cent coins.
Group D hemisphere and sphere blocks.
3  Teacher asks pupils to observe which objects will topple easily when the objects set up in straight.
4  Pupils work in groups and record their finding on the stability of objects.

1   Teacher asks pupil to discuss in group to make hypothesis and conclusion.

2   Teacher goes around to observe pupils.

Bigger and thinner cylinder
High and low stool
5cent and 50cent coins
Hemisphere and sphere blocks

Thinking Skill: to observe

Moral Value : Being cooperate

Thinking Skill : make hypothesis and conclusion

Moral Value  : Being cooperate
Step 3
1  Teacher asks each group make presentation for group discussion.
2   Pupils respond :
Hypothesis / conclusion :
2.1  The bigger the base area of the objects, the more the stable of the objects.
2.2  The smaller the base area of the objects, the less the stable of the objects.
2.3  The higher the height of the  structure, the less stable the objects is.
2.4  The lower the height of the  structure, the more stable the objects is.
3  Teacher discuss the answer with pupils.
Moral Value : Being respect

(3 min)

1   Teacher give worksheet to each pupil.
2   Teacher goes around to observe pupils.

AVA : worksheet

Name :
 Class :

Topic : Strength and Stability

The diagram below shows an investigation.
Amin placed the cylinder A, B and C which have the same size of base area but different height on a plank. He shaked the plank. He observed which of the cylinder will fall down the last.


(a)    Which of the cylinder falls down the last?
(b)   Explain your answer mentioned in (a).
(c)    What is the aim of this investigation?
(d) What is measured in this investigation?
(e)    What is measured in this investigation?
(f)    What conclusion can be made based on the observations?
(g)   State another thing that affects the stability of a structure.